Homepage -> WiiU 2.0.0_Initial_scan report -> Region E Titlelist
The following new titles were added: boot1, DRH firmware, Bluetooth Firmware, C2W, OSv9, OSv10, OSv255, Wii U Menu, VersionData, DRC firmware, Gamepad Texture Atlas, System Updater, System Settings, Parental Controls, User Settings, Mii Maker, Account Settings, Daily Log, Notifications, Health and Safety Information, Wii U Chat, exceptions.txt file, Fonts, Software Keyboard Applet, DeviceEula, ErrEula, Region Manifest, Browser Default Sites / BadWords List, key and cert files, FFLResHigh.dat FFLResHighLG.dat, sound.z splash.z, Resources for DRMApp, Wii U Electronic Manual, Country and language data for nn_ec.rpl, app.xml cos.xml patch_map.txt, HOME Menu, HOME Menu, Error, Error, Error, Internet Browser, Nintendo TVii, Nintendo eShop, Friend List, Miiverse, Wii U Electronic Manual, Manual, Download Management, and Miiverse Post All.
Total titles sizes: 947436172
SOAP TitleHash: N/A
Title info: