NCCH: Header: NCCH Signature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ontent size: 0x00647000 Partition id: 0004001000021900 Maker code: 01 Version: 2 Title seed check: 00000000 Program id: 0004001000021900 Logo hash (GOOD): 2A98C49D919E254E15DC213CAB47A800ED63B248DCD43119E8FB82D9E62AE51C Product code: CTR-N-HGRE Exheader size: 00000400 Exheader hash (GOOD): 76A19E9BE905AF15C33E5760FC0E75A02112FC616FBB859D44F58E15EEA6E583 Flags: 0000030101000000 > Mediaunit size: 0x200 > Crypto key: Secure (1) > Form type: Executable content > Content type: Application > Content platform: CTR Plain region offset: 0x00002a00 Plain region size: 0x00000200 Logo offset: 0x00000a00 Logo size: 0x00002000 ExeFS offset: 0x00002c00 ExeFS size: 0x001e8200 ExeFS hash region size: 0x00000200 RomFS offset: 0x001eb000 RomFS size: 0x0045c000 RomFS hash region size: 0x00000200 ExeFS Hash (GOOD): CADDBA0AA2381CE6AF951078EB07F8E7CD8638CAE3EB707BDE218F1C5E09F71D RomFS Hash (GOOD): F1E475A648D675E18D29DB7A00A57F84221FEA4F0C740ACE449CF0440315495A Saving RomFS... Extended header: Signature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dr RSA Modulus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ame: tiger Flag: 01 [compressed] Remaster version: 001C Code text address: 0x00100000 Code text size: 0x002B2628 Code text max pages: 0x000002B3 (0x002B3000) Code ro address: 0x003B3000 Code ro size: 0x00026370 Code ro max pages: 0x00000027 (0x00027000) Code data address: 0x003DA000 Code data size: 0x00015D68 Code data max pages: 0x00000016 (0x00016000) Code bss size: 0x00061E30 Code stack size: 0x00004000 Dependency: 0004013000002402 Dependency: 0004013000003802 Dependency: 0004013000001502 Dependency: 0004013000003402 Dependency: 0004013000001602 Dependency: 0004013000002602 Dependency: 0004013000001702 Dependency: 0004013000001802 Dependency: 0004013000002702 Dependency: 0004013000002802 Dependency: 0004013000001a02 Dependency: 0004013000003202 Dependency: 0004013000001b02 Dependency: 0004013000001c02 Dependency: 0004013000001d02 Dependency: 0004013000002902 Dependency: 0004013000001e02 Dependency: 0004013000001f02 Dependency: 0004013000002002 Dependency: 0004013000002b02 Dependency: 0004013000003502 Dependency: 0004013000004002 Dependency: 0004013000002c02 Dependency: 0004013000002d02 Dependency: 0004013000002102 Dependency: 0004013000003102 Dependency: 0004013000002202 Dependency: 0004013000003702 Dependency: 0004013000002e02 Dependency: 0004013000002302 Dependency: 0004013000002f02 Savedata size: 0x0 Jump id: 0004001000021900 Program id: 0004001000021900 (GOOD) Core version: 0x2 System mode: 64MB (GOOD) System mode (New3DS): 124MB (GOOD) CPU Speed (New3DS): 804MHz (GOOD) Enable L2 Cache: YES (GOOD) Ideal processor: 0 (GOOD) Affinity mask: 1 (GOOD) Main thread priority: 48 (GOOD) Ext savedata id: 0x219 System savedata id 1: 0x20219 (GOOD) System savedata id 2: 0x20212 (GOOD) OtherUserSaveDataId1: 0x0 OtherUserSaveDataId2: 0x0 OtherUserSaveDataId3: 0x0 Accessible Savedata Ids: Other Variation Saves: Inaccessible Access info: 0x240001 (GOOD) > Category System Application > Shop > Seed DB Mapping static address: 0x1FF50000 (RW) Mapping static address: 0x1FF58000 (RW) Mapping static address: 0x1FF70000 (RW) Mapping static address: 0x1FF78000 (RW) Mapping static address: 0x1F000000 (RO) Mapping static address: 0x1F600000 (RO) Kernel flags: > Allow debug: NO > Force debug: NO > Allow non-alphanum: NO > Shared page writing: NO > Privilege priority: NO > Allow main() args: NO > Shared device mem: NO > Runnable on sleep: NO > Special memory: NO > Access Core 2: NO > Memory type: APPLICATION Handle table size: 0x200 Kernel release version: 2.50 Allowed systemcalls: 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B 0x0C, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x30 0x31, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D Allowed interrupts: none ARM9 Desc. version: 0x3 Mount NAND fs: NO Mount NAND RO write fs: NO Mount NAND TWL fs: NO Mount NAND W fs: NO Mount CARD SPI fs: NO Use SDIF3: NO Create seed: NO Use CARD SPI: NO SD Application: NO Use Direct SDMC: NO Service access: (GOOD) > $hioFIO > $hostio0 > $hostio1 > fs:USER > gsp::Gpu > hid:USER > ndm:u > pxi:dev > APT:A > ac:u > act:a > act:u > am:sys > boss:U > cam:u > dsp::DSP > frd:u > http:C > nim:s > ptm:play > ptm:u > y2r:u > cfg:s Reslimit category: 00 ExeFS: Section name: .code Section offset: 0x00000200 Section size: 0x001a1654 Section hash (GOOD): F1C2BC30FFFBE31A3D5C3DE236AB06ABC68CEAA882BBE7E78AA8BB11664B8514 Section name: banner Section offset: 0x001a1a00 Section size: 0x00042f30 Section hash (GOOD): C810CC2E10769F26A857BC5EDD35ACC17CEE0372C1F775BE02ED407B9E4678DE Section name: icon Section offset: 0x001e4a00 Section size: 0x000036c0 Section hash (GOOD): CF994667610416EC4C8466292C1C658F733F5D99DAC39308E183D9D7F000F26F Decompressing section .code to /home/yellows8/ninupdates/sysupdatedl/autodl_sysupdates/2022-08-30_00-00-33-ctr/tiger/USA/v28673/00000072_exefs/code.bin... Saving section banner to /home/yellows8/ninupdates/sysupdatedl/autodl_sysupdates/2022-08-30_00-00-33-ctr/tiger/USA/v28673/00000072_exefs/banner.bin... Saving section icon to /home/yellows8/ninupdates/sysupdatedl/autodl_sysupdates/2022-08-30_00-00-33-ctr/tiger/USA/v28673/00000072_exefs/icon.bin... IVFC: Header: IVFC Id: 00010000 Level 0 (GOOD): Data offset: 0x0063d000 Data size: 0x00001000 Hash offset: 0x001eb060 Hash block size: 0x00001000 Level 1 (GOOD): Data offset: 0x0063e000 Data size: 0x00009000 Hash offset: 0x0063d000 Hash block size: 0x00001000 Level 2 (GOOD): Data offset: 0x001ec000 Data size: 0x00451000 Hash offset: 0x0063e000 Hash block size: 0x00001000 RomFS: Header size: 0x00000028 Section 0 offset: 0x001EC028 Section 0 size: 0x00000074 Section 1 offset: 0x001EC09C Section 1 size: 0x000003D0 Section 2 offset: 0x001EC46C Section 2 size: 0x00000494 Section 3 offset: 0x001EC900 Section 3 size: 0x00003528 Data offset: 0x001EFE30